Eifel Tower Behind Snow Winter Trees Wallpaper

Designer: T.C. MATHUR
Mural Size: Custom – Sold by the square feet

In Stock

249.00 / sq.ft 199.00 / sq.ft

Actual Area(sq.ft)0.00
Product Price₹0.00


The Nahargarh palace, Contemprary Wallpaper, Aesthetic Fort Art Decoration nourishes and ennobles us, providing physical, mental and aesthetic stimulation in a way that is inestimable’ asserts Henry Wilson in his introduction.
Certainly the richness of the photographs that fill the book proves this sentiment true. Focused on the decorative embellishments to architecture in India’s north-west
Mural Size: Custom – Sold by the square feet
Minimum order of 2sqm – Samples are not available for murals due to the scale of the pattern.
To work out the quantity required please enter your wall measurements in the left side panel.
Please ensure to add 10cm extra to both wall measurements, this trimming space is required for all murals to ensure it is installed level.
Material: Premium Non Woven
Application: Paste the Wall
Commercial Use: Yes – Fire Rated to AU Standards for Natty and Polly
Scrape Resistant
Extra Matte Finish
Environmentally Friendly – PVC Free
Printed using Biodegradable Inks Free of Solvents & Hazardous Material
This mural is cut into 52 Inch wide panels for ease of hanging.
Please allow approx. 10 Days for delivery of all murals

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